Hi – I’m back!! My name is Julie Behling and I’m glad to connect with you! Whether you followed me on my blog Essential Survival in it’s earlier era from 2010-2014 where myself and my colleague Rebecca blogged on medical preparedness and uses for essential oils and herbs, or you are just coming across this site now, I hope you will find something here that is helpful to you!
The old Essential Survival blog is no more, but recently I have felt inspired to share my thoughts on topics such as vaccines, health freedom, integrative medicine, and perhaps more as time goes.
When I was 24 years old, I went from being healthy and active with my whole life ahead of me, to within a very short period of time being so sick that I had a hard time walking up a flight of stairs without it putting me in bed the whole next day. I struggled to function at a very basic level most days, I could barely work at the job I had where my boss allowed me to call in sick every other day, and one of the worst parts about it was that my monthly visits to various doctors that first year yielded no answers or results. The final verdict from the last doctor visit I had that first year was a recommendation that I go on an antidepressant. That was it. No explanation as to why my body couldn’t digest food any more. No looking into my sudden inability to sleep at night (I would often lie awake in bed all night with my heart racing) or exert myself in any way physically. No looking into why I would slur my speech, run into walls, and frequently be unable to think clearly when I was 24 and completely sober. Thankfully, a fantastic integrative physician diagnosed me with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and fibromyalgia, and set me on a path to slowly begin to heal my very sick body.
Over the next 5 years, I reoriented myself to what worked for my complex chronic health issues – lifestyle changes and holistic healing. In 2005, after I had massively changed my diet, I was introduced to Young Living products. One of them – a nutrient infusion called NingXia Red – made a massive impact within one week of taking it! And shortly, I was able to begin working out at the gym again for the first time in 6 years as well as start working full-time!
Though I was pre-med in college, got a degree with Biological Sciences, and expected to have a career in medicine, life had different plans for me. In 2007 I opened a Reflexology/ holistic healing practice that I had for 7 years. I did foot reflexology, acupressure, and various energy modalities with my clients, as well as utilizing the Young Living essential oils with them. I did what I could to try to help people release stuck emotions and energy contributing to their health issues.
Today I have Young Living team that I help educate so they can get better results with their health, I homeschool my very energetic 6-year-old son, and I have undertook other business ventures as well. I am passionate about freedom, health freedom, and promoting principles of holistic health, the need for integrative medicine, and doing my part in helping people rethink their views on vaccines.
I live in Southern Utah with my son and 2 cats.