Hi my friends!
I normally send out cards or postcards over the holidays, but this year it just didn’t happen. But I wanted to send out an online New Year’s letter to you! 2022 was a difficult year for many, and if that’s you my heart goes out to you. 2022 was challenging for me, personally, but not as much as the previous two years. In any case, here are my 2022 highlights and things I look forward to in 2023!

2022 Highlights –
My biggest highlight of 2022 was completing a book I began in 2010, and began research for in graduate school clear back in 2002 (it is entitled “Beneath Sheep’s Clothing – The Communist Takeover of Culture in the USSR & Parallels in Today’s America”). My two big causes are health and freedom!
Last year I attended several school board meetings in my county to educate our school board (and also principals) on threats to our freedoms occurring via education. We succeeded in getting our school board to remove 27 books with pornographic content from our public school libraries.
I was blessed to attend the Young Living Convention in June 2022. As always, it was great to connect with the heart of our company and also hang out with our Diamond leader Laurie Azzarella, Platinum leader Kiannaa Leighland, and also our own YL Team Synergy team member Vivian Torres among others!
Also in June 2022, I began intermittent fasting, then also removed most gluten and sugar from my diet, and lost 25 lbs.
From May through September, I helped grow vegetables on my friend’s homestead. It’s hard growing food in the hot, dry desert summers where I live. But this year we had good success with summer squash, pumpkins, melons, green beans, sweet and hot peppers, and kale. I put up a ton of zucchini relish, some zucchini salsa, pomegranate pepper jelly, fermented hot peppers, and also fermented garlic dill pickles from cucumbers my cousin gifted me.
Throughout this year, I have continued to receive health support from several amazing YL products – namely NingXia Red, Thyromin, my favorites Comfortone, Essentialzymes, Golden Turmeric, and more plus many, many oils and YL personal care products.
I had Covid two times in 2022, after previously having it in December 2020 and also August 2021. I read that the Covid virus possibly reactivates the Epstein-Barr virus in people who have it (like myself). Maybe this explains how run down I have felt. I began drinking celery juice daily in September and that has helped quite a bit with improved energy and reduced brain fog, but I still have progress to make.
Looking Forward to in 2023 –
This year I am extremely excited to be working with a documentary filmmaker to make a documentary on the content in my book “Beneath Sheep’s Clothing.” Once we get funding, we will go on the road for a few weeks to record interviews with some key people across the country!
After my documentary is out, hopefully by fall 2023, I plan on using my platform to reach more new Young Living customers, as well as activate people to help preserve freedom in our nation!
This year I plan on continuing to tweak my lifestyle to continue to release extra weight and improve my health. I plan on incorporating more exercise, and also more meditation. I will also continue my focus of helping my son, who has some special needs, to optimize his nutrition and detoxification.
I am sorry to announce that YL will be disbanding its Savvy Minerals make-up line later in 2023. It’s a good idea to stock up on what you want while the products are still available!
In short, this year I plan on being thankful for what I have and not waste time being sad for things I don’t have. I am very thankful for YOU! Please let me know how I can be of service to you, in your healing journey, health preparedness journey, or with building a business with Young Living!
Julie Behling
(with son Rheo, age 8)